With over five years in the title industry, I’ve moved from being a loan officer assistant to processing before finding my passion in title. My career path wasn’t planned; it happened by chance when a good friend called me into this exciting field, where every day brings new challenges and learning opportunities. What I love most about my role in title is the variety. Working with different people and handling unique files keeps things interesting, but more than anything, it’s the amazing support system around me that helps me grow and pushes me to do my best every day.

Outside of work, I’m all about the great outdoors. Whether it’s camping, shooting, fishing, or boating, nature is my go-to place. Fishing isn’t just a hobby; it’s a passion that really fires up my competitive spirit. While my job keeps me busy, my heart is with my family. For 26 years, I’ve been on an incredible journey with my husband, building a life together and raising two amazing kids who are, without a doubt, my greatest accomplishments.

Let’s Connect

We love friends – we’re here to talk about all things title, or anything else you may want to connect about.

We’re here to help, so feel free to reach out! 


✆  |  801.758.7277

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