You want to buy a new house, not become a title expert.

That’s what we’re here for.

Buying a home is a big deal.  It’s likely the biggest financial decision (and transaction) you’ll ever make. Of course that comes with it’s own set of stresses – and on top of that, everyone is using terms you’re not sure are part of your native language. 

  • What exactly is Title Insurance?
  • What is the Title Insurance company looking for?
  • What could be found in a Title Search?
  • What happens if something is found?

Am I expected to know all of this?

No. No you’re not. That’s what we’re here for. You just need to trust us to do our job.

But you do have a right to know what’s happening with your transaction, and we’re here to make sure you are comfortable every step of the way. 

Let’s Connect

We love friends – we’re here to talk about all things title, or anything else you may want to connect about.

We’re here to help, so feel free to reach out! 


✆  |  801.758.7277

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